Thursday 2 February 2012

Predators The Dangerous Sea Evaluation

This is the first documentary i have reviewed for this project, The dangerous sea lasted approximately  50 minutes. This is a documentary on underwater animals which i thought would give me a detail insight to an underwater soundscape which in turn would allow me to listen in detail throughout the program.

In this section i will indicate a time line for the sounds i heard and where about in the program i heard them without any background noise or narrator vocals:

Waves : 0:01, 4:57, 26:19, 29:45, 42:10, 48:55
Underwater : 4:44, 20:22
Whales blowhole, movement: 42:10
Whale song: 43:00
Sea birds: 41:00

These sounds lasted as little as a few seconds the longest being approximately 30 seconds before any background noise would appear.
This is how i described the sounds in my notes as i was watching the program.

Waves: natural, swooshie,crashing
Underwater: boxy, hissing, unnatural,sluggish 
Sea birds: natural
Whales blowhole: Spluttering 
Whales song: natural and clear
Whales movement: gentle sway/swoosh 

As you can see from above some of the sounds i heard over the course of this documentary sounded very natural such as the waves as they swooshed and crashed into one another and as they hit off the cliff face. Other natural sounding things were the sea birds flying over the sea and the splutter of the whales blowhole as the whale surfaced for air, a long with the whale song under the water and the gentle swaying of the water as the whale breached the sea surface. A good example of what it sounds like is when you get in and out the bath the way the water moves back and forth.
The more unnatural sounds came when the camera was underwater as it sounded very static as if there was some kind of interference.

I feel that Predators The Dangerous Sea was possibly not very informative for getting a better understanding of an underwater soundscape, as all the natural sounds of underwater living was being masked by the of putting background music or the narrators voice overs.    

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