Sunday 30 October 2011


 As a creative what inspires, motivates & intrigues you?


Things that inspire, motivate and intrigue me are movies in all genres such as Walt Disney's Fantasia through to Inception for different reason but the biggest inspiring thing for me is music as it can change your mood in an instant, although I like all genres of music I am most interested in Northern Soul. The other things that inspire, motivate and intrigue me is family, friends and myself as I always like to be doing something and keep busy.

How do you research / explore ideas?  Words, sounds, images, style & observations.

As you can see from all my blog posts I have used all of the above to research /explore my ideas by posting video clips and pictures with comments on how they have helped or can help me, I have also posted quotes and larger paragraphs from websites I have looked at which explain things in more depth. (Which have been referenced in the posts)
How do you communicate, interpret, define, story & experience ideas?
I have communicated, interpret, and define; story and experience ideas by having lengthy discussions about my project in class with my peers and lectures which helped me define my project ideas. I have also completed contact with some experts at Deep Sea World that are involved in my area of interest and I have also getting ready to contact some more potential experts at Herriot Watt University, all the evidence for this is in my blog posts.