Wednesday 23 November 2011

Imaginative Thinking :Project Plan

This is an over view of my project thus far but this may change over the course of developing the final product.

Project Aim: 
 Is to investigate the speed in which sound travels through air versus the speed sound travels through water e.g. (the deep ocean) As well as how it is picked up by the inhabitants of both environments, taking into account  the differences in frequency range of underwater mammals and a human ear.  


1.0  Investigate the environmental and biological factors that impact on sound and hearing in humans and marine mammals

2.0  Critique marine soundscapes from film, animation, and documentary and analyse the presentation of sound as heard within the marine environment

3.0  Establish criteria for engineering sound effects for humans and marine mammals, including over sea as well as undersea environments

4.0  Develop a short narrative for a soundscape involving humans and marine mammals, and produce soundscapes that reflect the hearing of each human and mammal in the scene

      1.1 Diary
1.1.1 Write a short profile identifying which underwater mammals I will be involving in this study e.g. (Killer Whale and a Harp Seal)
1.1.2 Write a small diary indicating the differences in the factors.
1.1.3 Write a literature review which can be added into my dissertation.

2.1   Critical Analysis of Soundscapes
2.1.1 Identify the most popular films, animations and documentaries on underwater mammal environments.
2.1.2 Evaluate which of the genres represented the environment successfully.
2.1.3 Critical analysis the best of the chosen genres identifying which sounds where used or repeated over the genres

 3.1 Media Tests

            3.1.1 Watch extras on films on undersea activity.
3.1.2 Book a Foley session in the studio to re-enact the skill from movie extras.  
3.1.3 Edit sound effects.
3.1.4 Do a final mix-down of sound effects.

4.1 Practice

            4.1.1 Draw up a short sketch for my soundscape.
            4.1.2 Have meeting with an animator for final design.
4.1.3 Identify all my final sounds for over sea and under sea level scenes in soundscape.
4.1.4 Identify all crossover points for the sounds between over sea and under sea level.
4.1.5 Imports all sounds into the soundscape and edit appropriately.
Submission Deliverables:

1.1 Diary
·         Profile for each underwater mammal involved posted on blog.
·         A diary identifying the differences between the factors involved posted on blog.
·         A full literature review.

2.1 Critical Analysis of Soundscapes
·         A list of films, animations and documentaries I think represents an underwater environment referenced on my blog.
·          A Written critical evaluation of my view identifying why I chose these films etc for my project posted on my blog.

3.1 Media Tests
·          Detail log of recording session posted on my blog.
·          Detail track list/ cue sheet posted on my blog.

·       CD/DVD with full library.

4.1 Practice
·         All sketches for each scene in my soundscape.
·         A detail list of sound effects used posted on my blog.
·         Diary of the production process in creating the soundscape on blog.
·         Final soundscape.