Friday 9 March 2012

3rd Draft Interview Questions

1. Do the sounds you hear underwater sound the same as they do out of the water?

If no, are they:
a) Blurry  (indistinct or hazy in outline)
b) Boxy  (Cramped)
c) Muffled  (reduction in loudness)
d) Modulated (To change or vary the pitch, intensity, or tone of (one's voice or a musical instrument,    for example)

2. When hearing a sound underwater can you define from what direction in which it has come?


3. Can you determine the volume of the sound underwater?
  If yes, Can you describe?


 4. When hearing a sound underwater can you determine if the sound is high, mid or low pitched?


 5. How many sounds can be heard at any one time when underwater?
   a) 2
   b) 3
   c) 4
   d) other please state?


Wednesday 7 March 2012

Crit Document

Crit Document

 Project Concept:
 Is to create an underwater soundscape from the point of view of the whale which will help to highlight the increase of manmade noise pollution.
Project Plan:
Is to have the listener believe they are lying/sitting on the whales back as the whale makes it journey across the ocean and they will hear all the sounds as they pass from every direction.
Cue Sheet Script:
Project Title
Duration Seconds
Directions / Processing
Whale sounds
Panning Left to Right
Shipping Vessel
Panning Back to Front
Whales Blowhole
Shipping Vessel Horn
Panned far Right at reduced volume
Tale Splash
Panned Behind
Sholes of Fish
Panned Right to Left
Whale sounds
Panning Left to Right

When thing about how I am going to recreate or emphasize the sounds in my underwater soundscape I had to consider which effect I would and most probable have to use to get the best result for my final product.
This is just a list of some off the effects that I will be using:

  • Reverb
  • Echo
  • Panning
  • Low Pass Filter
  • High Pass Filter
  • Distortion
  • EQ
  • Pitch Shift

Hearing Ranges
Killer Whale
·         Hearing Range: 20 Hertz – 17 Kilohertz
·         Fully grown sizes: 27 – 33 feet
·         Fully grown Weight: 8,000 – 12,000 Pounds
·         Life span: Male 50-60, Female 90 years.
·         Communication: clicks used in echolocation, whistles, and scream-like pulses

Audio Recording Consent Form




This is to herby certify that I ______________________ _________________consent to the use of an audio recording of all Interviews to be used in conjunction with the University Of Abertay’s Honours Project.

Signature:                                                                                           Date:

1. Do the sounds you hear underwater sound the same as they do out of the water?

If no, are they:
a) less clear
b) muffled
c) blurry
d) distant

2. When hearing a sound underwater can you define from what direction in which it has come?


3. When hearing a sound underwater can you determine if the sound is high, mid or low pitched?

4. How many sounds can be heard at any one time when underwater?
    a) 2
    b) 3
    c) 4
other please state?


Draft Test Questions
1. When listening to my soundscape can you decried what sounds you heard?


2. On a scale from 1 to 5 how realistic did the soundscape sound? (Please circle)
Non realistic                                                                                                    Realistic
        1                      2                              3                              4                              5
3. If it sounds less realistic can you explain why or describe how you feel it was not realistic?


4. How disorientating was the soundscape to you? (Please circle)
Non realistic                                                                                                    Realistic
        1                      2                              3                              4                              5

5. Can you explain if any parts of the soundscape are less or more disorientating?
Forward Planning
 I have sent an email to all the sea life centres in Scotland to ask if I could do some live recordings in their tanks. I got a reply from Macduff Marine Aquarium in Banff just outside Aberdeen which I am in the process of finalising after I nail down my interview questions.
I am going to start gathering my sound effect such as whales singing and waves crashing into one another and shipping vessels for my sound library so that I will have enough sound effects to successfully produce my soundscape; I have done some test recordings of the bubbles in my fish tank to try out some of the production techniques stated above which will be posted on my blog as evidence. 
Finally I have set out my dissertation skeleton which I will start filling in the blanks from today i.e. Abstract, Introduction and Research Question.