Friday 9 March 2012

3rd Draft Interview Questions

1. Do the sounds you hear underwater sound the same as they do out of the water?

If no, are they:
a) Blurry  (indistinct or hazy in outline)
b) Boxy  (Cramped)
c) Muffled  (reduction in loudness)
d) Modulated (To change or vary the pitch, intensity, or tone of (one's voice or a musical instrument,    for example)

2. When hearing a sound underwater can you define from what direction in which it has come?


3. Can you determine the volume of the sound underwater?
  If yes, Can you describe?


 4. When hearing a sound underwater can you determine if the sound is high, mid or low pitched?


 5. How many sounds can be heard at any one time when underwater?
   a) 2
   b) 3
   c) 4
   d) other please state?


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