Saturday 7 January 2012

Environmental Factors

Sound speed is not set at a constant and it depends on the medium it is traveling through as the speed of sound is affected by a number of factors when traveling through air such as the temperature and air pressure.  So baring that in mind when the temperature in the air raises the speed of sound increases, It is also known that sound travels faster in other mediums such as steel, iron and water than in air as if a sound was traveling a mile in 5 seconds in air it dose that the same distance in 1 second in water and a third of that in steel

Although sound travels faster through water there are also factors that can slow it down, the speed of sound is affected by the water pressure, which is known as hydrostatic pressure this is measured in bars and as the sound travels deeper through the open ocean it gets slower as the water pressure levels gets higher after every 33ft.

Another factor that slows the speed of the sound in the deep water is the temperature the reasoning being as like the pressure the deeper the sound travels the colder the temperature gets.  And it is a well known fact that sound travels through environments if the temperature is higher which I will explain in the next portion of this report

Monday 2 January 2012

Underwater mammals Profiles

Killer Whale
·         Hearing Range: 20 Hertz – 17 Kilohertz
·         Fully grown sizes: 27 – 33 feet
·         Fully grown Weight: 8,000 – 12,000 Pounds
·         Life span: Male 50-60, Female 90 years.
·         Communication: clicks used in echolocation, whistles, and scream-like pulses

Harp Seal
·         Hearing Range: on land 20 Hertz – 20 Kilohertz
                                                               i.      Underwater: 20 Hertz – 60 Kilohertz
·         Fully grown sizes:  5.5 feet
·         Fully grown Weight: 285 Pounds
·         Life span: Male, Female 90 years
·         Communication: groan, chug, or growl