Saturday 24 September 2011

Draft Mind Map 1

 This is my first attempt at a mind map for my project which i will need to refine to come to a conclusion and produce a research question.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Mind Mapping

I have just been researching into what is the best way to develop a mind map using a mind mapping site  called illumine training to get a more general idea of what a mind map should looks like and what information should be involved in a mind map.

 illumine training,2011. How to Make a Mind Map® [online] Available at:<>   [Accessed 21 September 2011].

Tuesday 20 September 2011

New 4th year blog

This is a blog for my 4th year Hons project , which will allow you to track my progress as and when it happens but sadly i am still in the  ideas stage of the project .

comments welcome