Friday 16 March 2012

Underwater Sound Investgation

 This is am email to the diving schools to get an insite of what sound is like underwater:

Hi i am sending this email to ask if it may be possible to send a small 5 min question to some of your divers as i am do a univercity project that involves hearing sounds underwater and how different or simmialr they may be.

Many Thanks


Wednesday 14 March 2012

Draft Introduction

This whole project started from an idea on sonar sound and how the effects of the militaries from around the world using sonar for locating exactly where they are in the sea and the distance they have between one another or the sea bed and surrounding rock faces etc.

With regards to the effects it has on the underwater mammals and other animals was not a strong enough idea or possibly provide enough substantial amount of evidence to carry out a fully fledged sound project as the only sound aspect of the project would be that of sonar.

So for this to be a plausible sound project the main idea had to change to something that involved more of a sound aspect , so keeping with the idea of using a single or a group of underwater mammal the idea was review several times until it came to the final idea being discussed throughout this dissertation.

Over the course of this dissertation it will become clearer from the evidence presented throughout the sections/chapters in this dissertation; the main investigation within this project is to investigate the increase of noise pollution in the open ocean. The main type of noise pollution this dissertation will be highlighting is the increase of manmade noise pollution but for this to achieve to a high standard through the use of sound, so that it grabs the attention of the listener as well as promote the problem.

The plan for the final product for this project is an underwater soundscape which will have the listener believe they are lying or sitting on the killer whales back as the killer whale makes its journey across the ocean and they will hear every little sound as the sound passes the whale no matter what direction the sound comes from.

There are many variables that need to be addressed such as the way sound travels in different mediums i.e. air, solid and liquid. Along with the sound design of any sound recording or sound effect used before aspect of the soundscape can be preformed.

One thing that made this project intriguing was a quote from Sir David Attenborough about learning more of what can be found in the natural world and by doing this can give anyone person the sense of achievement:

“An understanding of the natural world and what's in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment.”

Monday 12 March 2012

Draft Abstract

This research investigates the way manmade sound has invades different environments such as the open ocean. Through the research shown within this document I will be highlighting the increase of noise pollution and the effects it is having on the inhabitants of this environment through the use of sound. In order for me to gather enough information to produce an underwater soundscape, I have analysed underwater documentaries and animated films along with looking into underwater sound design. I have also interviewed..... divers and send my test soundscape to..... of my peers and colleges as well as 10 members of friends and family, This has helped me gain the information I needed for my final product.

In result to my approach into my research I have found that a lot of pre planning detail is put into the sound design aspect to make all the images more gripping and come to life for the be continued......................................................................................................................................................More results to be added hear.....
My findings over the course of conducting this research I have found that as there are demands for more imported goods from overseas, that it is forcing man to use more shipping vessels to transport these goods back and forth. This is not the only cause of the problem as the military activity worldwide. This in turn is causing the rise in manmade noise pollution in the ocean