Monday 30 January 2012

Rationale Rewritten

The research content is going to be based around natural documentaries such as Frozen Planet, Life and Predators (The Dangerous Sea) and using quotes from the narrators which will help me get a better understanding of underwater mammals living environments. A long with some detail on the movement and migration paths of some mammals involved in my projects which will indicate sound they may hear. 
Also within my project I will be looking at the effects of manmade noise pollution to underwater mammals, I will also be looking at the speeds that sound travels through different mediums. As sound travels at different speed through different temperatures and as the ocean gets colder the further down the sound will travel slower. I will get most of this information from reading book such as Our Underwater World which will give me information on water temperatures at the different sea levels.
The internet will play a big part when searching for information as with the use of the internet I can look through thousands of information on noise pollution and find out all the different hearing ranges for the underwater mammals involved in my project. Getting all the best of information from any journals, books and newspapers allowing me to find a better source of information.
The main reason I have chosen this particular subject is that it will challenge me to use all my skills to the best of my ability and get the best possible results for my final production. I feel my project aim and objectives are very interesting. My chose of doing a project on noise pollution is different from a normal sound proofing or track remixing project as it gives the listener a different outlook on what is happening in the world in terms of sound pollution over a wide range of environments.      

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