Monday 30 January 2012

Project Plan reviewed

Learning Contract

Module Code: AG1084A
Module Title: Honours Project
Student Name: Craig Johnston
Student Number: 1002908
Telephone Number:
Email Address:,

Project Title:

Imaginative Thinking

Project Aim:

Is to investigate how man made noise pollution in the ocean is having an effect on underwater mammals and using this information to highlight how it sounds from the perspective of the underwater mammals. A long with this showing the speed of sound as it travels through different mediums and the differences in hearing ranges.    


1.0  Investigate the impact noise pollution has on marine mammals and humans.

2.0  Perform detailed annalists of marine soundscapes from film, animation, and documentaries.

3.0  Investigate sound design for producing an underwater/marine environment.

4.0  Investigate how a soundscape can be used to disorientate people.

5.0  Develop a short video clip to accompany the final soundscape.


1.1 Background Research
1.1.1 Write a short statement highlighting the affects of noise pollution.
1.1.2 Highlight the hearing ranges for underwater mammals.
1.1.3 Highlight the factors that affect the speed of sound as it travels through different   mediums.
1.1.4 Write a literature review detailing all point made above.

2.1   Analysis of Soundscapes
2.1.1 Identify popular films, animations and documentaries on underwater mammal.
2.1.2 Chose one from each category then analyse the sounds used and its effectiveness.
2.1.3 List the sounds that are rescuer in all chosen items and compare which is better.
2.1.4 Identify the sounds I would like to use in my soundscape.

3.1 Sound design

            3.1.1 Identify the key elements involved with sound design.
            3.1.2 Gather sounds for soundscape.
            3.1.3 Import sounds into protocols.
            3.1.4 Set sounds to a structured timeline.
3.1.5 Practice the key skills on sounds.

4.1 Soundscape

            4.1.1 Identify the key points that make soundscapes disorientating.
            4.1.2 Identify how to draw people into a soundscape.
4.1.3 Identify the key skills used to a disorientating soundscape.
4.1.4 Practice key skills on my sounds.

5.1 Video

5.1.1 Gather still image / video clips.
5.1.2 Edit video clips for the scenes I prefer.
5.1.3 Load all edited scenes into iMovie.
5.1.4 Structure the scenes to my soundscape.

Submission Deliverables:

1.1 Background Research

  • Statement on how noise pollution affects both humans and underwater mammals posted on my blog.
  • A small profile of the underwater mammals posted on my blog.
  • A statement of the differences in the speed of sound when travelling through different mediums posted on my blog.
  • A full literature review that will be added to my dissertation.

2.1 Analysis of Soundscapes

  • A list of films, animations and documentaries posted on my blog.
  • A small report on my findings posted on my blog.
  • A review of my feelings towards the artificial and natural sounds.
  • A list of my preferred sounds posted on my blog.
3.1 Sound Design

  • A list of key elements posted on my blog.
  • List of sounds being used posted on my blog.
  • Cue sheet indicating sound placement both on my blog and paper copy.
  • Post all attempts on my blog.
4.1 Soundscape

  • List of key elements on my blog.
  • List of key skills on my blog.
  • Post attempts on my blog.
5.1 Video

  • Post all images /video clips web link on my blog.
  • Post any attempts at the video clip on my blog.
  • Post the final structured video on my blog.

  • Pro Tools
  • FL Studio
  • Adobe Flash
  • Sound Forge
  • Appropriate recording equipment

Signature of Student                                                                              Date                                                                             Date

Signature of Lecturer                                                                             Date

(Note, on approval of this learning contract, a fully developed/revised plan, scheduling the project tasks, is to be created)

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