Tuesday 27 March 2012

Plan/Storyboard for soundscape Pt 2

(Scene 7)
Now underwater you hear a loud rumbling in the distance, which becomes louder and louder as it move closer to your position, you hear a loud short burst every few seconds which causes within the pod.

(Scene 8)
As the ship passes over head there is frantic movement within the pod in front and behind you, after the ship has passed you being to hear a small frequent ping very few seconds which draws the whales attention. 

 (Scene 9)
As you move closer to the binging noise you breach the surface for air so you hear the whales blowhole in front of you before returning underwater to investigate the binging sound but it soon be comes clear where the sound is generating at a massive submarine blows past you.

(Scene 10)
Once the submarine has past you make your way back to the beach so you can go back to normality know you had this experience but on your way back you hear what sounds like a small boat passing over head and some jets skis and people having fun, once finally back at the small beach were you started you finish of hearing the cry’s of the whale as they swim away and the waves gently hitting one and other.

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