Wednesday 15 February 2012

Supervisor Meeting 3

Progress Report

Over the last two weeks I have evaluated three of the four the underwater soundscapes I mentioned in my blog these are: The Blue Planet, The Dangerous Sea and Finding Nemo I still have a few more to do to gain the best knowledge I can from this kind of environment. I have also pushed forward with getting an interview with a deep sea diver by sending an email to all the sea life centres in Scotland to brooding my chances of getting a interview and it word as I have been invited to Macduff Marie Aquarium to get live recordings and interviews all evidence is posted on my blog.

I have not had the chance to do any practical recordings as the equipment I own does not allow me to recorded at the right frequency, so I took it upon myself to looked into recording hardware that will allow me to record at 120-192 kHz and I found the E-MU 0204 which I manages to purchased at little cost to me the only problem I face now is getting a hydrophone. Finally I have done a little underwater listening by putting my head underwater in the bath and having the radio on and I found that the sound decreased in level and was more muffled than normal.

Agreed action points 
  • Finish evaluations
  • Finalize Interview questions and legal agreement
  • Do practical recordings
  • Look into hydrophones in more detail
  • Finalize a date to visit Macduff Marie Aquarium
  • Update blog 

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