Tuesday 15 November 2011

Learning Contract 2nd Draft

Project Title:

Sound on land and sea

Project Aim:

To investigate the differences between a humans and an underwater mammals hearing ranges which in turn will allow me to define exactly how the two different groups hear sound. With the evidence gathered in my investigation it will allow me to recreate a soundscapes using my skills as a sound producer that represents how much sound pollution both groups hear in their natural environments.


1.0  To investigate the size difference between a human ears and underwater mammals ears including hearing range and functionally.

2.0  To investigate all the sound effects from both environments and using my skills I will try and record/recreate similar sound effects to use in both soundscapes which will help me promote the awareness of sound pollution.   

3.0  To analyse all my recorded sound effects to finalise which ones I will be putting into two soundscapes showing the massive differences between the both living environments.

4.0   To create two animations to coincide with both soundscapes this will provide a       visual aid which will be used  when I play my end product to a group of people for there feedback.


      1.1 Research Diary
1.1.1 Review all journals, books for information on both groups ear functionally.
1.1.2 Review all journals, books for information on both groups hearing range.
            1.1.3 Reflect on all the information I have gathered and write a literately review.

2.1   Sound Effects  
2.1.1 Identify the most popular sounds from both group environments.
2.1.2 Calculate the differences in the how sound travels in both environments.
2.1.3 Review the differences between both groups frequency ranges.
2.1.4 Set up a recording session (x2).
2.1.5 Place the sound effects into the session.
2.1.6 Change the sound effect to the correct frequency for each soundscapes.
2.1.7 Write a cue sheet for sound effects (x2).
2.1.8 Export audio files to wav and write a critical evaluation of the process for my    dissertation.   

 3.1 Soundscapes

            3.1.1 Listen back to all my recordings and pick the best for both soundscapes.
3.1.2 Do any final adjustments to sound effects so they sit right in the mix.
3.1.3 Finish the final mix down.
3.1.4 Export both soundscapes.
3.1.5 Write a report on any changes made.

4.1 Animations

            4.1.1 Draw a small sketchbook for both short animations.
            4.1.2 Finalise my design for the animations.
            4.1.3 Put my finalised idea together in Flash.
            4.1.4 Add soundscapes to finished animation.
            4.1.5 Export animation as a video file and write a critical evaluation.
            4.1.6 Draw up a small questionnaire for participant’s feedback.  

Submission Deliverables:

1.1 Research Diary
·         A detailed report on all research that I have undertaken. 

2.1 Sounds Effects
·         A detailed sound library of all sounds
·         Detailed log book entries of all activities undertaken during recording and editing stages
·         Both detailed cue sheets
·         Both final edit soundscapes

3.1 Soundscapes
·          Both soundscapes
·         The written report on any changes

4.1 Animations
·         Both sketchbooks
·         Both Flash flies
·         Final edited video clip
·         All feedback questionnaires

  • Pro Tools
  • FL Studio
  • Adobe Flash
  • Sound Forge
  • Appropriate recording equipment

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