Tuesday 21 February 2012

Test Recording

The first thing i did was open a Pro Tools session at 24 bit ,48 kHz just because it is a test recording I used a Behringer B-1 condenser microphone and my digidesgin mbox 2 which was all connected to my Mac book pro:

The First thing i recorded was the filter in my 4 foot fish tank as it was blowing out bubbles which may be used for some elements in my final product:

The next thing i recorded was my front door as it creeks which i will use to replacate a shipping vessel in my final project:

Sound Design

I took the fish tank recording and reopened it in a new Pro Tools session set at 24 bit 44.1 kHz , I highlighted a section of the sound file and added a Air Frequencey Shifter a long with a 4 band EQ to get an underwater sound this is my result :

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