Friday 30 September 2011

Potential Project Aim

This is my potential project aim was To invesigate how using sonar sound gives an accurate distance reading and what affects will using sonar have on marine life. After a email conversation with one of my lecturers it has come to my attention that apart from the word sonar the project will have very little sound element .

Therefore i have been advised if i want to continue along this type of project to modify my idea so it involves a more sound based project, so i have decided  to investigate the idea suggested to me in more depth.


Hi Craig,

This is certainly an interesting and challenging idea, but I'm not sure it's one that I'd advise you take forward.

Firstly, there's the subject area. Okay, sonar is based on sound, but beyond that there's little if any connection with sound production.

More importantly, for the investigation part (looking at the effects on marine biology), that's definitely not sound production. What sort of experience do you have here? Could you make any meaningful observations of the marine impact? Significantly, how would you carry out a study of this type to draw any sort of conclusions?

What I'd suggest, then, is that you use this ad a starting point and see if you can pull your ideas more towards sound production. For example, if you're really interested in the marine environment, and the impact of noise pollution, why not create an undersea soundscape, but do it from the perspective of a whale (say). Use sound production to give us a sense of what it's like to experience the world through a whale's ears.


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On 30 Sep 2011, at 08:39
Hi kenny i think i have come up wit a challenging but achievable project aim but i would like your input on my idea which is 

: Project Aim: To invesigate how using sonar sound gives an accurate distance reading and what affects will using sonar have on marine life. 


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